Eichenauer Technology expertise since 1925

Overview Eichenauer
The Company
Our Philosophy
The Management
Eichenauer International
The Company
Even if it doesn't always say Eichenauer on the outside - EICHENAUER is usually on the inside!
Our family-run business has been a renowned specialist in the development, production and sale of electrical heating systems for more than 90 years. From our worldwide production sites, we supply our customers all over the world in the areas of Automotive, Household Appliances and Industrial Systems.
In 1925 Fritz Eichenauer senior founded the company of the same name in Kandel, Germany for the manufacture of specialized electrical products. Over the decades, Eichenauer has seen impressive growth and now offers a wide range of products as well as employing more than 500 staff at its various sites.
Then as now, the owner family is involved in managing the company. The daughter of the company’s original founder, Ms. Erika Nolte-Eichenauer, withdrew from active management several years ago, and handed the business over to her daughter Kerstin Stoll and her son-in-law Dr. Manfred Stoll continuing as an third generation family owend and operated business.
“The world we live in today is subject to fundamental changes and technological influences. Wide-ranging inventions across different industries and technologies, both in day-to-day life and in the world of work, require swift innovation on an ongoing basis, making considerable demands of both production processes and staff.
Experience and the determination to be successful combined with a mixture of scientific curiosity on the one hand and technological capabilities and expertise on the other - this is the key to tackling this challenge.
Eichenauer has successfully accomplished the change of generation and is now a stronger market player than ever before.”
Yours sincerely,
The Management
Kerstin und Dr.-Ing. Manfred Stoll
Our Philosophy
Eichenauer is an Independent, family-owned business and intends to continue this way into the future.
As a family Business, we seek to achieve profitable, long-term growth together with our foreign sites in the Czech Republic, USA and China in order to strengthen the group as a whole.
We regard innovation as a challenge – our innovative products and technologies strengthen our market position and contribute to the success of our customers and our company.
We act as development partners to our customers and in doing so we draw on the entire technological range of our expertise – from self-regulating heating systems to open wire heating and brazed aluminum/stainless steel heating elements.
We constantly improve our processes and structures and proactively embrace our quality principles on a daily basis.
According to our understanding of quality, sustainability and a holistic approach are directly and inseparably linked – with the goal of optimizing internal processes in production, development and administration, reducing quality costs and improving zero-error quality in our products.
The success of our customers and the future of our company are secured by qualified and motivated staff who act responsibly, who are dedicated, cost-conscious and reliable and who take pleasure in their work.
“We look forward to finding out about the exciting challenges you face and to engaging with you in shaping the future. Feel free to get in touch with us.”
The Management
Our History
The company Fritz Eichenauer was founded in Kandel, Germany
First patent: "wire guide for pressing irons"
Production of patented pressing iron heaters, ZIG-ZAG and RIPPLE_WIRE elements at both sites in Kandel.
Plant III newly constructed and expansion of MULTIMIICA insulating materials as well as toaster, iron heater plate and tangential heating elements in Kandel.
Extension of the production of tubular heating elements and coffee makers at the new site in Hatzenbühl, Germany.
Founding of the subsidiary Eichenauer Inc. in New Hampshire, USA
Founding of the subsidiary Eichenauer Inc. in New Hampshire, USAFounding of the subsidiary Eichenauer Spol. in Dolni Cermna, Czech Republic
Advancement of PTC technology for the automotive industry
Founding of the joint venture Beru-Eichenauer for the product group of electric car interior heaters in Kandel
Plant extension/relocation of Eichenauer SPOL. to the new site in Přelouč/Trnávka
ISO/TS 16949 certification
Expansion in China – foundation of the subsidiary Eichenauer Heating Elements in XinXing, China
Production of more than one million tumble dryers in the Czech Republic
Investment in a modern aluminium processing centre
In-house plastic injection moulding
New production site in China - founding of the subsidiary Eichenauer Heating Elements in Huai‘an, China
90th anniversary of the Company
New production facility in the Czech Republic for automotive and household appliance production
The Management
Kerstin Stoll Managing Director

Kerstin Stoll Managing Director
Ms. Kerstin Stoll has been the Managing Director of Eichenauer since 2007.
Ms. Stoll completed her degree in industrial engineering at Karlsruhe Institute of Technology in 1992. She then worked for Braun GmbH in Kronberg and for HMS GmbH in Wiesbaden.
At the end of 1994 – after the sudden death of her father Dr. Jens Bauchert, the then managing director of Eichenauer – Ms. Stoll began assisting her mother in running the company before officially becoming a shareholder in the family business in 1995.
Together with her husband Dr. Manfred Stoll she took over general management of Eichenauer in 2012. The other members of the management team are Mr. Michael Dorn, Mr. Volker Bollinger and Mr. Klaus Schubert.
Manfred Stoll Managing Director

Manfred Stoll Managing Director
Dr. Manfred Stoll joined Eichenauer in 2001 and took over management of the technical division in September 2004.
In this position, Dr. Stoll oversaw the company’s increasing move towards supplying the automotive industry in addition to its existing areas of household appliances and industrial products. Successful products in the areas of SCR technology, fuel filter heating, blow-by and map-controlled thermostats are now among the company’s key areas of expertise in the automotive sector, for which Eichenauer has established an international reputation.
Dr. Stoll studied process engineering/chemical engineering at Karlsruhe Institute of Technology. He gained his doctorate at the Engler Bunte Institute of Karlsruhe University in 2001 in the field of catalytic exhaust gas cleaning in incineration plants.
From 1999 – 2001 he was also responsible for research and development in the area of post-combustion of fluid waste at the Institute for Technical Chemistry at the Karlsruhe Research Centre before joining Eichenauer in the autumn of 2001.
Volker Bollinger Member of the management team

Volker Bollinger Member of the management team
Mr. Volker Bollinger has been on the management team since 2012.
After completing a business apprenticeship he earned a degree in business management specializing in accounting and controlling at the University of Applied Sciences Ludwigshafen.
He gained some initial experience in the area of controlling and finance with Nolte Möbel and in the regional automotive industry before joining Eichenauer in 2009.
As the head of the financial management division, he oversees controlling and finance.
Klaus Schubert Member of the management team

Klaus Schubert Member of the management team
Mr. Klaus Schubert joined the company Eichenauer in May 2018 as a new member of the management board.
Mr. Schubert studied industrial engineering with a focus on manufacturing and automation technology at the Technical University of Berlin.
Mr. Schubert gained his first experience in development and sales during a stay in the USA for several years and since then he has been working for various suppliers mainly in the automotive sector.
Today, Mr. Schubert is the head of innovation at Eichenauer, where he is responsible for development and sales and all market-related Topics.
Michael Dorn Member of the management team

Michael Dorn Member of the management team
Michael Dorn is a member of the management team since July 2019 and is responsible for operations.
Mr. Michael Dorn, a computer scientist by training, has been with Eichenauer since 2004 and gained his first managerial experience as an IT manager. During this time he was responsible for all introductions and rollouts as well as the operation of the company's software systems at the various locations. A MES system was introduced in the company in 2010. Through this project, Mr. Dorn familiarized himself deeply with the production processes and all related topics and departments. In this way, the buzzwords "digitization" and "Industry 4.0" are being promoted by a specialist at Eichenauer.
We are pleased to have won a competent man from our own ranks in Mr. Michael Dorn and wish him every success in the varied and exciting tasks that lie ahead of us.
The aim of science has always been to reduce the complexity of the world to simple rules!
Eichenauer International
Today Eichenauer International operates in more than 45 countries in Europe, Asia, North and South America and Australia. Our representatives on site have the technological expertise to advise you. We speak your language.
Our production sites are located where they are needed: in Germany, China, the Czech Republic and the USA. Our motto is: “In the market – for the market”. We’re always where you need us. A sophisticated logistics chain ensures a high degree of flexibility and very short delivery times.
Draw on our wealth of experience.
Get in touch with us

Eichenauer Heizelemente GmbH & Co. KG
Industriestrasse 1
D-76770 Hatzenbuehl
+49 7275 702-0
+49 7275 702-200

Eichenauer spol. s r.o.
Zábědov 116
504 01 Nový Bydžov
Czech Republic
+420 495 499 802 806
ID-Nr. 498 12 505
USt.-ID-Nr. CZ 498 12 505
HR Bezirksgericht Hradec Králové, A.Z. C 4814

Eichenauer Inc.
292 Sunapee Street
Newport, NH 03773
+1 (603) 863 14 54
+1 (603) 863 12 48

Eichenauer Heating Elements (Huai'an) Co. Ltd.
Build. No. 6, Europe and America Industrial Park,
No. 30, HongHai North Road, Huai'an Economic
& Technological Development Zone
223005 Huai'An, JiangSu Province,
P.R. China
+86 (517) 89008002